Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thankful Thursday-

The Little Things

This is my first Thankful Thursday post, although I'm thankful for all of my blessings each and every day, and let God know that every opportunity that I have.

Thank you God for the little things...

  • for purring kitties who love to cuddle and help me type :-)

  • for rainy days like today (although could do without the wind) that bless my garden.

  • for the love I receive from my wonderful boyfriend, who knows when to push, (and push and push...) and when to stop and give me space.

  • for the inner peace (God's peace) knowing that a difficult (almost impossible) decision I've made is the absolutely right one.

  • for the deep knowledge (clearly from God) that in spite of the difficulties that decision will likely cause- I must always , "consider the lilies".

  • for the most wonderful church family ever... I love you CTK Sunday Chapel!

  • for the most wonderful priests on the Earth, who guide, love, inspire and pray with us... I love you Fr Nigel and Fr Joe!!

  • for the smell of lilacs which fill my back yard and fill me with wonderful memories of my dear Mom.

  • for sunrises, and the chance to start again

  • for chocolate dipped strawberries (a really thoughtful gift from my boyfriend)

  • for incredible friends- just because...

  • for the indulgence of a loooonnnngggg hot bath after a loooooonngggg day of yardwork etc.

  • for a big bottle of orange kool-aid... don't know why this makes me happy, but it does!

  • for the incredible blessing of having God at the center of my heart, working each and every day for HIS Glory!!

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