...and here we go...
1. I grew up thinking that the world was a good and happy and safe place (well, except for my own home- but wont go into that now). Yah, ok, so boy was I wrong.... I guess we wake up as adults, huh? Sometimes I wish I could go back to that place of "ignorance" and just trust again, don't you?
2. Transfiguration's (http://transfigurations.blogspot.com) was the last website I was at before coming here. It's an Episcopal "based" website, that keeps me up to date on the happenings in the EC- the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm not all to happy with the state of the national EC right now, and am encouraged by (and am supporting) the many churches and dioceses that are choosing to split from the national church. Maybe the national church will get the hint, but I doubt it. Great website, if you're into all of that!
3. Why don't you (all of you who are reading this... yes, YOU) leave a comment (friendly please), telling me something about yourself? I know people are reading this... I'd just like to know who!!!
4. A hot bath and a glass of wine, helps me relax. That's on tap for tonight, well, minus the wine because I can't afford it right now... may even go for the candle light tonight too. Hmmm, it is night time yet?
5. Thanks for the love. The love I speak of is the love I've received for the last 13 years from my sweet baby kitty, Precious. This has been a tough week for me... on Wednesday, my baby went to Heaven. As many times as I've been through the loss of a pet, it's always agony and never ever gets easier. With no "real kids", my "pets" really become my babies. The pain of the loss is equal to, or greater than that of the loss of a human. (Trust me, I've experienced more human loss than any person should... more on that another time.) My Precious (aka, "Itty Bitty Pretty Precious Kitty"), was the sweetest little creature I could have ever imagined. She had a temper, yes-- but when she was loving, oh my gosh, she was the most cuddly little calico ball of fur you could ever imagine. My favorite way of being woken in the morning, which I miss SO much, is with her sitting on my chest and lightly hitting me in the face with her paw... how could I not wake up smiling! Anyway... thanks for the love, Precious... I miss you baby, and I'll always love you!
6. Swearing is very off-putting. I guess this is one of my pet peeves. First of all- taking the Lord's name in vain, is just wrong. If you're going to use my Lord's name in a negative way, then you're not going to be spending any time around me. Ok and while I'm on the "soap box", will someone please explain to me why some people seem to use the "f" word, seemingly in every sentence- sometimes every other word.... bleech... why????
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to taking a hot bath, and curling up in bed with a good book, tomorrow my plans include yard work (what else?) and Sunday, I want to spend at least part of the day with David (aka DD)!
I'm really sorry about your kitty. That is SOOOOO hard. I've had my current cat for 10 1/2 years, and so far, he's still healthy. Not looking forward to saying goodbye.
I feel your pain.... really, I do.... and I'm sorry. :o(
Forget about your answers, the quote at the top of your blog about the devil is the best thing I've read in days! Thank you for that!
I'm really sorry about your kitty. People who don't have to don't seem to realize how they become family!
Hope your weekend is good!
:-) Stacey
sad for you--losing a furbaby is definitely hard. hope your yard work this weekend helps to distract you.
I have a 'black thumb' so no gardening for me! (that's my bit about me re #3)
Sorry about the kitty. It's never easy, especially when you've had them a long time.
I'm a first time reader. I like your comment about "the kind of woman that when you wake up". It's cute :-)
Sorry about your kitten! I totally agree with #6. It's very offensive to me to hear someone use my Lord's name in vain.
Enjoyed your post very much!
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